martes, 31 de marzo de 2009


Lunes 23 de marzo, 15:30 horas... Un oportuno mensaje de Ayar Salazar cambiaría el rumbo de la historia: "Mi hermano tiene una entrada a trooper"

Martes 24 de marzo, 22:00 horas, la esquina de San Borja Sur y San Luis sería el sitio definitivo de un decisivo momento... ¡¡¡Pronto conseguiría un cupo en la agotada zona THE TROOPER!!!

jueves 26 de marzo 2009

Horas antes del concierto habría de hacerme de una Lumix DMC-TZ4, con la cual, gracias a sus 10X ópticos y sus 1600 ISO podría congelar un puñado de imágenes en medio del avasallador pit de pogo de The Trooper.


Luego de deshacerme del Eddie Palco procedimos a rodear el recinto del Estadio Nacional, allí la doncella habría de ejecutar sus mejores riffs y Mr. Dickinson finalmente exclamaría el tan esperado:



Alrededor de las 19 horas saltó al escenario la primera banda telonera: M.A.S.A.C.R.E.
En ese momento, Héctor, Gabriela y yo nos encontrábamos en la cola de las cervezas, donde los stands abrieron las compuertas más allá de la hora programada para el expendio de alcohol.

Luego vendría Lauren Harris.

Cuyo guitarrista dejó satisfechos a los seguidores de Zakk Wylde.

El liviano sonido de Harris hija haría que muchos ansiáramos ya las notas de sierra eléctrica de Aces high.


Bueno, no todos...

El responsable de la bitácora Tiempos Violentos, Ayar Salazar, quien con su decisiva llamada tendría yo la oportunidad de devastar con la gente brava. Asímismo, este prontuariado caballero del metal estará haciendo una reseña más técnica del concierto en dicho blog.

¡Gracias caballero!



¡Las hordas rugen sobre las notas de Aces High!

Mr. Dickinson: "Lamentamos la demora de nuestro equipo pirotécnico, ¡pero no lo necesitaremos esta noche con más de 30000 explosivos aquí!

Luego del ansiado "Scream for me, Lima! - Scream for me, Peru!" anunciaría un esperado retorno en dos años.

20 años de espera bien valieron la pena...

The Trooper!!!

You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too...

We're getting closer, not enough to fight...


La banderola se despliega sobre cientos de fans.
Momentos de delirio.

Sigue su recorrido por toda la zona.


Dickinson anuncia que Maiden trabaja en un nuevo álbum.



en pleno con plus:

Line-up de lujo en tiempos donde las bandas llegan mutiladas por los años.

(Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, Bruce Dickinson, tras la mancha de luz de los platos, Nicko Mc Brain, Steve Harris -el creador de la doncella- y Janick Gers)


La pirotecnia no faltó.

Edward en escena

Vacilando en escenario peruano con pisco y cebiche.



Extasiado bloguero a punto del colapso luego del concierto.

Hordas metaleras cusqueñas:
Siwar Salazar, Pocho, Harley, Pavel Luksic, Lucho Figueroa, Robi, Ayar Salazar, Mijail Pérez

La mitad de los octavos en esta foto, Héctor del Castillo y Luis H. Figueroa

"I'm waiting... in my cold cell..."


(Ahora quiero ver a los Rolling Stones)

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Pts 1 & 2

Canción de largo aliento... ¡¡¡y subtítulos en español!!!

Ahora la parte 2...

(Steve Harris)

Hear the rime of the ancient mariner,
See his eye as he stops one of three;
Mesmerises one of the wedding guests:
Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea.

And the music plays on, as the bride passes by
Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale.

Driven south to the land of the snow and ice
To a place where nobodys been;
Through the snow fog flies on the albatross
Hailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings.

And the ship sails on, back to the north
Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on.

The mariner kills the bird of good omen,
His shipmates cry against what he's done;
But when the fog clears, they justify him,
And make themselves a part of the crime.

Sailing on and on and north across the sea,
Sailing on and on and north 'til all is calm.

The albatross begins with its vengeance,
A terrible curse a thirst has begun;
His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner,
About his neck, the dead bird is hung.

And the curse goes on and on at sea.
And the curse goes on and on for them and me.

"Day after day, day after day,
We stuck nor breath nor motion
As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.
Water, water everywhere and
All the boards did shrink
Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink".

There calls the mariner,
There comes a ship over the line.
But how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.

See...onward she comes
Onward she nears out of the sun
See, she has no crew
She has no life, wait but there's two.

Death and she life in death,
They throw their dice for the crew.
She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now.
Then...crew one by one,
They drop down dead, two hundred men.
She...she, life in death.
She lets him live, her chosen one.

"One after one by the star dogged moon,
Too quick for groan or sigh
Each turned his face with a ghastly pang,
And cursed me with his eye.
Four times fifty living men,
(and I heard nor sigh nor groan)
With heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
They dropped down one by one".
(Samuel Coleridge)

The curse it lives on in their eyes,
The mariner he wished he'd die.
Along with the sea creatures
But they lived on, so did he.

And by the light of the moon,
He prays for their beauty not doom.
With heart he blesses them,
God's creatures all of them too.

Then the spell starts to break,
The albatross falls from his neck;
Sinks down like lead into the sea,
Then down in falls comes the rain.

Hear the groans of the long dead seamen,
See them stir and they start to rise;
Bodies lifted by good spirits,
None of them speak and they're lifelesss in their eyes.

And revenge is still sought, penance starts again,
Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.

Now the curse is finally lifted.
And the mariner sights his home;
Spirits go from the long dead bodies,
Form their own light and the mariners left alone.

And then a boat came sailing towards him,
It was a joy he could not believe;
The pilots boat, his son and the hermit,
Penance of life will fall onto him.

And the ship it sinks like lead into the sea,
And the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.

The mariner's bound to tell of his story,
To tell this tale wherever he goes;
To teach God's word by his own example,
That we must love all things that God made.

And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man,
And the tale goes on and on and on.

Aquí venimos tus amigos, en el día de tu santo

18 de marzo, celebración por todo lo alto. Otro año más al catálogo del máster.


Jorge Vignati vuelve a Choquechaca después de 20 años, los recuerdos de la familia Nishiyama los hace suyos.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009



Into the abyss I'll fall-the eye of Horus,
Into the eyes of the night-watching me go;
Green is the cat's eye that glows-in this temple,
Enter the risen Osiris-risen again.

Tell me why I had to be a powerslave,
I don't wanna die, I'm a god, why can't I live on?
When the Life Giver dies, all around is laid to waste.
And in my last hour,
I'm a slave to the power of death.

When I was living this lie-fear was my game,
People would worship and fall-drop to their knees;
So bring me the blood and red wine for the one to succeed me,
For he is a man and a god-and he will die too.


Now I am cold but a ghost lives in my veins,
Silent the terror that reigned-marbled in stone;
Shell of a man God preserved-a thousand ages,
But open the gates of my hell-I will strike from the grave.


Al ritmo de la Kallampa




Somewhere back in time - SET LIST - (muy posible)

Tarea para la clase:


Transylvania / Churchill's Speech
Aces High
2 Minutes To Midnight
Children Of The Damned
Phantom Of The Opera
The Trooper
Wasted Years
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Run To The Hills
Fear Of The Dark
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Iron Maiden

The Number Of The Beast
The Evil That Men Do

Two minutes to midnight - El reloj del fin del mundo

El reloj del fin del mundo es un reloj simbólico que el consejo de directivos de la Revista de la Asociación de Científicos Nucleares Norteamericanos de la universidad de Chicago creó para indicar el riesgo que tiene la humanidad de verse enfrascada en una guerra nuclear. Este reloj es una analogía en la cual la humanidad se encuentra a unos pocos minutos de la media noche, donde la media noche representa el holocausto nuclear al que nos veremos envueltos de haber una guerra con armas nucleares. El reloj inició estando a 7 minutos de la medianoche en 1947, debido a la guerra fría. La vez que estuvo más cerca de la medianoche fue 2 minutos en 1953 durante la crisis de los misiles, y la vez que estuvo más lejos fue 17 minutos en 1991 cuando USA y Rusia firmaron un tratado de desmantelamiento de armas nucleares.

(Adrian Smith/Bruce Dickinson)

Kill for gain or shoot to maim,
But we don't need a reason;
The golden goose is on the loose
And never out of season.

Some blackened pride still burns inside
This shell of bloody treason;
Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
For the love of living death.

The killers breed or the demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain;
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
Don't you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight
The hands that threaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight
To kill the unborn in the womb.

The blind men shout let the creatures out,
We'll show the unbelievers,
Napalm screams of human flames,
Of a prime time belsen feast...yeah!

As the reasons for the carnage cut
their meat and lick the gravy,

We oil the jaws of the war machine
and feed it with our babies.


The body bags and little rags
of children torn in two
And the jellied brains of those who remain
to put the finger right on you.

As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song,
To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun.


Midnight...all night...

Tardes cusqueñas

Y de pronto, la quietud absoluta,
el constante giro imperceptible
de un cielo color magenta,
cirroestratos vestigio del zarpazo,
cúmulos, borbotones de desesperación
que tiñe la tarde para enjugar tu diadema de costras,
rey bastardo del arco iris,
brisa exhalada por el desgarrado vientre de la madre Tierra.

Las gotas apuñalan la aterida espalda
de la quimera alada, su largo
cabello cubre las cicatrices de su
tórax, sanguinolentas huellas
dejadas por la persistencia del
deseo de alzar vuelo. Su
tosca barba tiembla al compás
del tiritar de su mojado cuerpo
y masculla ligeramente algo así
como una reconciliación entre
él y su reflejo.

Extraído de IV (El Espejo) - Cusco, 01/X/2001

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Esclavo del Poder - POWERSLAVE

Aces High, conmemora la Batalla de Inglaterra, cuando una gran maquinaria como la Luftwaffe intentó acabar con la RAF. Powerslave es un álbum épico.


There goes the siren that warns of the air raid,
Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak;
Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne,
Got to get up for the coming attack.

Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines,
Remove all the wheelblocks there's no time to waste,
Gathering speed as we head down the runway,
Gotta get airborne before it's too late.

Running, scrambling, flying.
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again.
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live. aces high.

Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers,
Let off a sharp burst and then turn away;
Roll over, spin round and come in behind them,
Move to their blindsides and firing again.

Bandits at 8 o'clock move in behind us,
Ten ME-109's out of the sun
Ascending and turning our spitfires to face them,
Heading straight for them I press down my guns.

Rolling, turning, diving.
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again.
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die.
Run, live to fly, fly to live, aces high.

Días de Estalingrado

Después de más de un año sin empuñar un arma, pude asistir a la tercera fecha del campeonato de tiro. Viejos camaradas de los clubes Internacional y Macropost se daban cita para medirse en el tiro a la diana, cal. 4.5mm a 10m y una puntuación sobre 200 en cuatro dianas (5/d).

El Capitán del Club Internacional, Carlos Cerrillo, sigue buscando cabezas para integrar el equipo del Inter.

Finalmente la competencia sería resuelta con el campeonato de estalingrado a cinco siluetas. El polígono de carabina neumática que instaló el señor Becerra, del Club de Tiro Macropost, ha proporcionado gratos momentos para los amantes de este deporte, que lejos de ser violento se basa en la caballerosidad, el honor, y las buenas costumbres. La próxima cita será el domingo 29 de marzo en una competencia de carabina .22LR a 50m. Bienvenidos los noveles a este simpático y disciplinado pasatiempo.

Carabinas neumáticas de quiebre Norica, calibre 4.5mm (.177) en el polígono eléctrico de las instalaciones del Club de Tiro Macropost.

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009

The Trooper

Riffs de batalla, The trooper, un tema para ir a la guerra.


You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too,
You'll fire you musket, but I'll run you through.
So when you're waiting for the next attack,
You'd better stand, there's no turning back.

The bugle sounds as the charge begins,
But on this battlefield no one wins;
The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath,
As you plunge into a certain death

The horse he sweats with fear, we break to run,
The mighty roar of the russian guns;
And as we race towards the human wall,
The screams of pain as my comrades fall.

We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground,
And the russians fire another round;
We get so near, yet so far away.
We won't live to fight another day.

We get so close, near enough to fight,
When a russian gets me in his sights;
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow,
A burst of rounds take my horse below.

And as I lay there gazing at the sky,
My body's numb and my throat is dry;
And as I lay forgotten and alone,
Without a tear I draw my parting groan.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Al otro lado de la alambrada.

"Cuando oigo a las palomas arrullar en los árboles

lágrimas calientes cubren mi cara.

Cuando la alondra canta, mis pensamientos componen

un mensaje para mi hijo".

(Desde Guantánamo: Poema de Muerte)


Otro temón de Maiden. Viejos amaneceres limeños.
Dickinson en las cuerdas. Es más, él escribe la canción.
Conciertazo Live after Death


O God of Earth and Altar,
Bow down and hear our cry;
Our earthly rulers falter,
Our people drift and die.
The walls of gold entomb us,
The swords of scorn divide,
Take not thy thunder from us,
But take away our pride.
(G. K. Chesterton; English Hymnal)

Just a babe in a black abyss,
No reason for a place like this,
The walls of gold and souls cry out in pain,
An easy way for the blind to go,
A clever path for the fools who know
the secret of the hangman - the smile on his lips.

The light of the Blind - you'll see,
The venom tears my spine,
The Eyes of the Nile are opening - you'll see.

She came to me with a serpents kiss,
As the Eye of the Sun rose on her lips,
Moonlight catches silver tears I cry,
So we lay in a black embrace,
And the seed is sown in a holy place
And I watched, and I waited for the dawn.

The light of the Blind - you'll see,
The venom that tears my spine,
The Eyes of the Nile are opening - you'll see.

Bind all of us together,
Ablaze with Hope and Free,
No storm or heavy weather
Will rock the boat you'll see.
The time has come to close your eyes
And still the wind and rain,
For the one who will be King
the Watcher in the Ring,

It is You.

Cine y Rock & Roll

Franco García vuelve a la carga con un nuevo rodaje en nuestra querida sierra cusqueña, con un equipo de primera. Como diríamos: ¡¡¡El rock and roll y la cinematografía NUNCA MUEREN!!!


Filmación del teaser a algunos miles de metros sobre el nivel del mar: agua calma, vientos prepotentes y algunos grados centígrados que espantan a cualquiera.

El equipo rockanrolero: Paul, Nina, Julio, Lucho, Vero, Manuel, Fred, Stephanie, Franco, Miriam, Odi.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Where eagles dare

La incorporación de Nicko Mc Brain a la banda definitivamente le confiere la potencia que sellaría la contundencia de Maiden hasta hacerla gloriosa. Este tema se lleva las palmas con una percusión poderosa y aplastante.

Where eagles dare se convierte definitivamente en uno de los temones de esta placa "Piece of mind" y obviamente del consagrado set list de la banda.

Lanzado el 16 de mayo de 1983. - Producido por Martin Birch.

El vídeo es del Rock am Ring 2005 con los tres hachas en escena.

(Steve Harris)

It's snowing outside, the rumbling sound
of engines roar in the night.
The mission is near, the confident men
are waiting to drop from the sky.

The Blizzard goes on, but still they must fly,
No one should go where eagles dare.

Bavarian Alps that lay all around,
They seem to stare from below.
The enemy lines a long time passed
Are lying deep in the snow.

Into the night they fall through the sky,
No one should fly where eagles dare.

They're closing in, the fortress is near
It's standing high in the sky;
The cable car's the only way in
it's real impossible to climb.

They make their way, but maybe too late.
They've got to try just save the day.

The panicking cries, the roaring of guns
Are echoing all around the valley;
The mission complete, they make to escape
Away from the Eagles Nest.

They dared to go where no one would try,
They chose to fly where eagles dare.